Kitchen Litho Sequel, alternative lithography on rigid aluminium plate and marble.
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This manual is entirely designed, prepared and distributed by the inventor of the Kitchen Litho, Émilie Aizier alias Émilion from the Atelier Kitchen Print (unemployed and to stay active, she created in her self-publishing business books and provides art printing lessons in his workshop-house on request). A close relative ensures the technical part of the site. The manual is mainly distributed on this site and exceptionally on the JoopStoop site (no Amazon, or other bookstore). The author works to disseminate his technique via newsletters, social networks and to highlight the artists practicing the technique with the organization of the « Kitchen Litho Biennale » competition. In addition, in an ethical approach, this manual is printed by a specialized social integration institute in Poitiers Esat Essor. The books are printed between 10 and 50 copies at a time in reprography, as and when requested.
Learn and support the technique through the acquisition of the Kitchen litho manual. To buy this manual is to support an original project as if you were making one-off participatory support, it is to support an inventor and her micro-enterprise which in reality only holds thanks to the passion for printmaking in homemade mode . Finally, each manual is dedicated to the name of the purchaser by hand by the author.
Translation from the original French manual « Kitchen Litho Suite » of Émilie Aizier alias Émilion. English translation of Simon Burder, artist & lithograph at Oaksfineart studio based in London.
Preface by Maxime Préaud, Honorary curator of the National Library of France, redactor at « Nouvelles de l’estampe » magazine and President of Manifestampe, National Federation for printmaking art. Rare and original, this manual is entirely designed, developed and disseminated by the inventor Émilion.
Do you know that you can reuse to infinity your plate or marble very easily without a real graining? This book is for printmakers who want to practice Kitchen Lithography and broad their knowledge of the process. You will find advice and many tips to use when teaching in a group studio with both adults and children. The handbook will demonstrate a simple and non toxic methods of lithography. You also learn how to do a photocopy transfer, how to do papyrography… This straightforward process is explained in a clear and simple way together with the result of extensive research into the technique.The author is the inventor of Kitchen litho technique: Émilie aizier alias Émilion.
70-pages handbook (all color version) printed in France by the social establishment ESAT ESSOR. Color cover. Spiral binding. ISBN 978-2-9547000-5-2.
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Sending from France without number of tracing. You will receive the manuals in USA, Australia, South America, South Africa etc. in around one or two months.
If you want to follow your handbook : cost EUR 12, please contact
Example made with Kitchen Litho on aluminium plate and marble by Émilion.